Adwords Report Center On Its Way Out
Remember having to go into the Adwords Report Center to find out what phrases people were searching to find your ads, what content placements your ads were appearing on, and whether your ads were performing better on search or content networks? Well, those days are near over as more and more advanced reporting is becoming readily available right in the Campaign Management tab.
It was always a hassle to go into the Report Center, set up a report, run the report, and analyze the report just go go right back to your Campaign Management tab to make adjustments. As part of Google’s latest Adwords interface, this problem is quickly being solved with great data being available without running reports.
For example, instead of running a report to see what keyword phrases people are searching, you can just click on the “See Search Terms” button on your Keywords tab and get the complete list of search phrases that generated clicks on your ads. Right from that screen, you can add phrases as negative keywords with a click. You can also add well performing phrases to your campaigns with all matching options very easily.
The new Networks tab displays all the content network placements your ads appeared on along with click and conversion statistics. You can easily remove any content placements that are performing poorly or you just do not want to be associated with.
I am sure that I am not the only Adwords advertiser that is waiting patiently to see the Adwords Report Center disappear altogether.