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EP092: Top 10 Hottest Technology Tips for Attorneys

In today’s episode, we are sharing the audio recon from our most popular webinar The Top 10 Hottest Technology Tips for Attorneys which has been viewed over 80,000 times on YouTube! Host, Jay Berkowitz delves into the transformative power of artificial intelligence (Ai) in digital marketing and the legal field. Exploring the rapid rise of ChatGPT and its integration into tasks like legal research, job descriptions, and marketing strategies. Ai has also significantly increased workplace and law firm efficiency, even outperforming lawyers in legal tasks. Jay shares personal insights on using AI tools such as DALL-E for image creation and Fliki for video commercials, shedding light on their potential to revolutionize practices.

The webinar also highlights how immigration attorneys are leveraging TikTok and other platforms to reach clients and generate leads, demonstrating the evolving landscape of legal marketing. Additionally, the industry is increasingly relying on ChatGPT for idea starters then using human editing, quick research, and job descriptions. Jay discusses Google’s evolving advertising products, focusing on the importance of Google Screen and local service ads for law firms. He shares success stories from his agency, 10 Golden Rules, and offers actionable tips to enhance your online presence and lead generation efforts.

Let’s get started!

Key Topics

  • 04:56 Discusses the use of Chat GPT and other new technologies in law firms. Sharing his experience in digital marketing.
  • 12:08 Chat GPT’s potential as a new search engine and a powerful tool for daily life. 
  • 24:29 Google’s evolution in providing ads and local service ads to law firms.
  • 32:03 Secret algorithm for managing local service ads revealed, with emphasis on realism and high-quality leads.
  • 40:59 Location, reviews, and optimization are key to improving Google Maps rankings.
  • 44:26 Reveals Google autofill strategy for law firms, which appears as suggested search results.
  • 48:25 Discusses 10 strategies for law firms, including exclusive lead gen opportunities and AI tools like chat GPT.

Resources Mentioned


  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

 **Apps and Websites:**

About Jay Berkowitz:

Jay Berkowitz is a digital marketing strategist with decades of experience in the industry. As the CEO of Ten Golden Rules, he has helped countless law firms and businesses harness the power of the internet to achieve remarkable growth and visibility. Jay is also a renowned keynote speaker and author, sharing his expertise at various industry events and publications worldwide.

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Jay Berkowitz:

So our advanced SEO strategy that working like gangbusters for our clients is positioning our SEO to answer questions. Because when we search, we ask questions. So if you have the best answer to a question you're going to come up in the people also asked section which is the first SEO result.

IMFLF Intro:

Welcome to the 10 Golden Rules of internet marketing for law firms podcast, featuring the latest strategies and techniques to drive traffic to your website and convert that traffic into clients. Now, here's the founder and CEO of 10 golden rules, Jay Berkowitz.

Jay Berkowitz:

Well, good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Whatever time you're listening to this podcast, welcome to the 10 Golden Rules of internet marketing for law firms Podcast. Today, we've got a classic episode, this is a really amazing thing. I can't believe it myself. Every time I look at it. This is a recording I did called the top 10 hottest technology tips for attorneys say that 10 times fast right. But in this episode, we've got some great content about the secret code to get in the top three for Google, new artificial intelligence strategies. TikTok some incredible things going on for our clients at 10 golden rules. And this video has been viewed over 83,000 times on YouTube. So today, we've got the audio for you for the podcast edition. If you love it and you want to see it, go to YouTube, please click subscribe over there and watch the video with the slides. But enjoy the audio today. And we'll see you on the next 10 Golden Rules Internet Marketing for law firms podcast. Welcome Hello, everyone. And welcome to this month's live event. The 10 Hottest internet marketing strategies for law firms. My name is Jay Berkowitz, and we're going to cover a lot of really cool technologies that are working for our customers. Of course, we're going to talk about chat GPT, some new technologies like law droid that you can actually use in your firm. I'm going to share with you the secret code for getting the top three of Google a new site called flicky, and the number one strategy to rank on the number one social media. So before we get going, do you have any? Do you consider yourself a real technology expert? Like? Do you really have your marketing nailed down? You can just put a one in the chat if you really think you have everything nailed down? Or are you more of a basic, you know, tech solution person, like you got to a basic website and a basic Facebook, and that's about it. Or maybe you're somewhere in the middle? Or maybe you don't know how to chat. So just, you know, put a quick answer in the chat Are you a one, two or three. So I want to thank you for being here. And whether you're here today live or whether you're on the YouTube streaming, you know, congratulations for making the time for being here. You know, first of all, the fact that you're able to get on the Zoom, a lot of people can't get over that hurdle. Also, you took the time away from billing hours, to make some improvements or to learn some new technology. So congratulations, and thank you. And congratulations. Because the fact is you had other things to do. You know, if you're in the eastern time zone, it's it's lunchtime, and you could have been eating lunch. Or if you're in the far western timezone. You know, it's breakfast time, or you're just getting your day started. So congratulations for being here. But basically, you care about improving your business. And you want to use technology to get more leads in cases. I mean, you are one of a select group of rockstars. That, you know, what I find is attorneys like you that attend these sessions that go to the conferences, and put these things into practice, get 100 to 200% more cases than the attorneys who don't make the time to do this. So you're part of a select group that makes these things work. Now my mission today is to take you through the 10 strategies that are working for our 10 Golden Rules clients. So I'm going to, you know, open the kimono and unveil the GIL back the onion, if you will, and show you how you can really apply these strategies, how you can get more leads, sign more clients and make more profit. If you're in on this, put a one in the chat and let me know this is this is working for you. Some of you who are like me and have a few gray hairs used to listen to FM radio. My favorite station is wi I fm what's in it for me if you've heard that expression before, but what you'll get today is we'll deep dive into artificial intelligence and chat GPT What is this thing? What does it really mean? And how can you use it in a law firm? How can you use it in your business and great uses in daily life? We're going to cover what's happening with the search engines major shakeup happening in the search engine business and how that's going to affect us. Your law firm. Today we're going to talk about how to generate clients from social media and new technologies that you can actually use in the law firm. So my goal is that you're going to feel empowered to use a few of these tools right away. So I'm going to move fairly fast, the slides are going to move quickly, but I will send you the recording. So take all the notes, try and grab two or three things that you can do right away to make a difference in your business. Now, if I can, I want to tell you a little bit about me. I come from a small town in Canada called Winnipeg. This is a beautiful Central Park, and probably looks a lot like that right now. We got really lucky my wife and I and Parker moved to beautiful Boca Raton, Florida. And my career started working with big brands, I was lucky to start working on a brand called Coca Cola that had been marketed for about 100 years got tremendous marketing experience. I moved to sprint to get people their first websites, give people their first internet access, get companies access to digital technology, and build their first websites. And then when the two crash happened, my technology career took a little bit of a back turn, if you will, I got recruited to go back to a company I'd worked with on the ad agency side to be the Director of Marketing at McDonald's restaurants. Now when I worked at McDonald's, I got great experience. But my technology, progress took a little a little backstep. But I did sell some of the most delicious high fat foods in the world, beautiful Big Macs and french fries. And I went directly from selling the most high fat food in the world to working at EA And my internet and technology career went back on that upward trajectory. And E diets we're spending about we're spending several $100,000 a day to drive 100,000 people to the website every single day and get about 1000 signups for this diet service every single day, I got tremendous experience in what worked to drive traffic to a website back in 2002 2003. And in this time period, we were one of the top five largest advertisers in the world, online on the internet. And I was asked to speak at the Direct Marketing Association, and share my strategies share what works for this type of marketing. And I went I did this presentation, I wrote the 10 Golden Rules of online marketing. And five or six people came up to ask me for consulting services. And that was the launch of the brand 10 golden rules as a digital marketing agents. Now I've written five books on digital marketing. Since that time, of course, we started with the 10 Golden Rules of online marketing. And our clients today get about 250,000 website visits about 35,000 leads every month and sign about 3000 new clients every single month, one of our clients lot tiger said had a tremendous increase. This is a publicly available SEO measurement tool, it tells you they went from 1100 SEO listings to over 4700 SEO listings, since we've been working with them for about the last 18 months. Another number we love to get is what we call a hockey stick. And I'm from Winnipeg, Canada, as I mentioned, and this is the shape of a hockey stick. And for our clients, we want to see the blade and the shaft, we want to see 1000 or 2000 customers turn into 9000 or 10,000 website visits. And we want to see 20 or 30 leads turn into 246 202 leads. Now leads are what Google calls goals in their analytics, but their calls, you know, phone calls directly to your intake department. Form fills people filling out a form on your website, or a chat, a little chat box on your website. So without further ado,

Jay Berkowitz:

you know let's move from talking about me to talking about you. And I want to share the best resources, the best results that our clients are getting with technology that you can apply in your business today. Now, everything starts with the computers are coming for us. And if I go I go back in my telling of the story to 1997. And that was the first time I had this aha moment when Deep Blue IBM's computer beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a two out of three match in a game of chess. And that was one of those aha moments where it whoa. You know, we thought computers were good at checkers and things that were like rudimentary, but chess is supposed to be art and it's supposed to be something that humans were better at and a computer beat the world chess champ. Then in 2007 Watson IBM's Watson actually won Jeopardy and beat Ken Jennings and Brad the you know the All Time Jeopardy champs. And that was like, oh my goodness, these computers are coming for us in 2018, an AI software and artificial intelligence software called log geeks, beat expert lawyers in contract analysis. The AI software had a 94% accuracy rate in finding mistakes in nondisclosure agreements. The lawyers had an 85% accuracy rate. So beat at 94 to 85. The lawyers took about 92 minutes to complete this task. The AI software took 26 seconds. And you know, we're starting to realize, you know, this is becoming real, this is going to be a game changer. Now, in 2023, chat GPT has become all the rage, everybody's talking about it. So I want to break it down and talk about, you know, what is it? What does it mean? How do you use it in your daily life? And how do you use it at a law firm? So if I do a search in chat GPT, and we call them prompts, and when you refine your prompts, you get much better results in chat GPT. So if I say do I need a car accident attorney, if I was rear ended, the way chat GPT works is it just starts typing out the answer. And the chat GPT is actually the P means predictive. And it's like when you type things in your cell phone, and it starts completing the words for you. That's the way chat GPT works, it's actually predicting the next words, as it types, the words that are going to be coming up, it's so smart, that it's actually generating this complete text on the fly. And the results pretty darn good. You know, if you're rear ended in a car accident, it's generally a good idea to consult with a car accident attorney to help you stand understand your rights and options. In a rear end collision. It's generally the driver of the vehicle is considered at fault. And it gives you really valuable, precise kind of information. Why is this thing blowing up? Why is it Why is it so much talk about it? Well, when Netflix launched, it took 3.5 years to get to 1 million users, Facebook was was big rage, and everyone was talking about it. But it still took 10 months to get to 1 million users. Instagram took two and a half months. And chat GPT took just five days, it was so exciting. And everybody was sharing it, that in five days, it had a million users. Now, Microsoft invested over $10 billion, creating valuation for the company at $29 billion and giving Microsoft access to an exclusivity on a lot of the chat GPT features, including they've just released a new version of their search engine called Bing. And I got on the trial list for this new Bing. They got a lot of bugs they're working out. But I think it's going to be fascinating. I mean, we're going to see the incorporation of the chat GPT search results in Bing. And clearly, you know, this is a different thing where they're just saying, you know, ask me a question, plan a workout for me with arms and abs. They're using that chat GPT functionality in Bing. Now, this is very, very significant. It's very significant for us as users. And it's going to be a game changer for Google. Because for every 1% of the search market that Microsoft can grab from Google, it's worth about $20 billion. And I would suggest that they're already stealing, you know, chat. GPT is definitely stealing searches from Google. There's a lot of things now. And I'll show you some of the things I'm doing. There's a lot of things that we're searching in chat GPT instead of searching in Google, and obviously, once they've they've harnessed this thing if they do if they get it right, if they get the usability, right, we're just gonna go to Bing, instead of going to Google because it's going to have this incredible chat GPT functionality. So the two ways I like to think of chat GPT. It's a new search engine that's going to compete with Google, and for our businesses. You know, we've been very Google centric as law firms and law firm marketers. We're trying to nail the four areas of Google. And that's a big part of our marketing, right? What are those four areas? It's the local service ads Google screen right at the top. It's the Google Pay Per Click PPC, it's Google Maps. And it's Google SEO. Right. And now we're gonna have a fifth and a sixth thing we're gonna have to figure out in the very near term, we're gonna have to figure out Microsoft Bing, do you know, do we need to be there? Are we SEO optimized for Bing? And do we need to add Bing PPC, to our marketing mix? Because the vast majority of people are not running PPC on Bing? And are we going to be able to figure out chat GPT SEO, search engine optimization for tat GPT and that's going to be one of the next interesting frontiers over the next year. So let me talk about this two ways. First, as well as a new search and integrate with Google. And second of all, is a powerful new tool that you can use in your daily life. Now, one of the things to just put a proviso on this is Chad GPT states right off the top that it may occasionally generate incorrect information may produce harmful instructions, limited knowledge, because most of the data in there is from 2021. Now, they have launched chat GPT four, which has some improvements. But let's say I'm looking for an estate planning attorney, you know, states very clearly that it can't provide recommendations, but it says go to Avvo and Martindale Hubbell. I mean, there's a lot of times that you do chat GPT searches, and it states its limitations. But here's some really powerful ways that we're using the tool. First of all, write an article with an introduction and a bulleted list and, and a conclusion, what to do after a car accident and add a sales pitch at the end to contact attorney Jay Berkowitz. Now I'm not an attorney. But this is just for demonstration purposes. And boom, within like 20 seconds, we've got an article with a bulleted list and a conclusion and a call to action. Very, very powerful, very, very precise and accurate. Now, one warning sign that we're seeing out there. And Google and Microsoft have both said that, you know, you can't just use the first cut of a chat GPT article as your new SEO strategy. There's a few different reasons for this, what Google's basically come out and said is no you can use artificial intelligence Drive content, but their standard for content is that the content must be excellent. You've got to have great content that people read to the end, or they engage with it very, very high level. And that content is gotta be really, really good.

Jay Berkowitz:

The second part, even Microsoft said, like you can't use AI content for SEO. So you definitely want to have really high quality content. So you can't just like take the first chat GPT article and put it up as a new blog post. What a lot of people are doing now is they're using it for ideas, starters. And then using a human editor. And that's where sort of the industry's resolving out. But here's a great way of using it. Give me 20 titles for a blog post about what to do after a car accident. And it's a great idea starter, because for a lot of our personal injury lawyers, we've probably written 10 Very similar articles. But we're always looking for new ideas. And so we're taking this and we're creating an architecture, where, you know, we let's say we want to talk about experience, we want to talk about success, you know, and there might be a dozen different categories that we want to rank for in the search engines. And then we're creating these Excel spreadsheets to develop new content that we want to produce for websites. Now here's some of the specific legal tools. This one's really cool. It's called law droid just launched uses AI, and GPT three, five they probably are using for now, to serve as a lawyer's virtual legal assistant. Researches legal issues, drafts, emails, letters, corrects grammars, and can even just do conversational chatting. If you need a friend. Here's an example of law droid. Please describe the legal issues. What's the leading case on privacy in the US and boom, there's a result. nother new AI is called Harvey AI, assists with contract analogies due diligence litigation, regulatory compliance case text is like LexisNexis work and give you type of case information and do research for you. Other ways to think of this is like almost everything you do in your daily jobs, you want to you know, I'm starting to train my brain to turn the light bulb on. Could I do this quicker and easier with GPT. The other day I was explaining to one of my associates about this famous old book called Thinking grow rich, and I wanted to just sum it up real quick. So I asked Chad TPT. And sure enough, you know, one of the best business books of all time, by Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich. It summarized the five or six core principles of the book very, very quickly and very, very easily. Other things we've been able to use this tool for, I was writing a job description. And the old way I used to do it was taking the time I didn't get it done for about a week. I used to always copy job descriptions from the internet, copy and paste into a Word doc, get three or four job descriptions that I liked, and then rewrite the job description. I needed to get this thing posted. And I just wasn't getting it done. And the light bulb came on chat GPT write me a job description for a salesperson blah, blah, blah. And give me a bulleted list of the requirements for the job and give me a bulleted list of the types of things they'll do in the job. This thing was about 90% accurate, again 20 seconds, chat GPT one more example. An attorney wanted to do advertising he's a very unique niche attorney He works with in house legal counsels. And he's an expert resource that they can tap to do work on very specific cases. Now he wanted to market in house legal counsels. But he was very concerned, I want to make sure that all the advertising and marketing I do is within the bar regulations of my state. So I was briefing, one of my young associates on this, and she was going to go do the research. And the light bulb came on, hey, let's see what GPT said. So he said, you know, give us a list of what we can do to advertise within this particular state within the bar regulations. What can you do to advertise them? What can't you do to advertise, and sure enough, chat GPT give us a very precise list. You can do direct mail, you can do this kind of advertising, you can do Google searches, you can do this kind of advertising. And you can't do this, you can't claim to be the best, you can't claim to be better. And it gave us the answers within about 20 seconds. So you know, that's what I call sort of the light bulb moment. Very, very powerful way to think of chat GPT and use it. Another great strategy is to translate jargon into customer. So in this example, here's the Florida Statutes effect on Law of personal protection policies, very complex, not the kind of thing that you can send to a consumer. So I asked chat up, let's translate this jargon to grade eight. But let's make it really simple and translate it to grade three. In Florida car insurance companies have to follow certain rules when they give up policies. These rules are called provisions and procedures. They're in the state's no fault Car Insurance Law. Insurance companies don't have to change their policies or telling what about the rules, they just have to follow them. Now, there's a number of other tremendous tools from the parent company of chat GPT. It's not just chat GPT. They have a number of other products and services. This one is one of my favorites. It's called Dali, I assume it's pronounced like Salvador Dali, the Spanish artist. And when you go to Dali, you can ask it to do cool things like create an image of a lawyer in Monet style drinking a martini. I really like this one from the variations you know, you can revise it and create different variations. This is a super cool tool called flicky fly k i. And the way this works, I wrote a script for a 32nd TV commercial for a camp lagoon attorney. And I took the script and broke it into parts. And then when you click on each of these sections, you can click video that goes with the script. So I wanted shots of military or military base, I wanted someone going through hardship at a hospital, I wanted an image of an attorney. And within you know, about five minutes, I had a 32nd commercial about camp lagoon and about, you know, contacting an attorney if you had been injured while living at Camp le June, amazing tools and technologies. Now here's a little side hack that I've been learning using to learn a lot about TPT. There's actually a Chrome plugin. If you use Chrome as your browser, you can do a chat GPT plugin that sits on your Google searches. So every time I do a Google search, what do I do if I get hit by a car on my motorcycle, I can see the results that chat GPT is generating. So this has been really powerful for me as a thought starter. And as a learning tool to learn how Google searches come out and how chat GPT searches come out. Very, very interesting application. Here's a site called Future pedia with which shares a lot of these new technologies that are coming out every day. And so to quickly wrap up. The number one strategy I'm sharing with you today is artificial intelligence. And remember, Chuck GPT is one of many tools that is derived and driven and created by artificial intelligence. So the big category is artificial intelligence. The hot strategy of the day is chat GPT. Now for the next one, I also want to go back in time. And back in 2003, when we launched 10, golden rules, Google was still in beta. And so the search results and everything they were admitting, you know, hey, we're just in beta. We're just building this thing out. And in around that time, right around 2003, the ads product was launched, and it was definitely in beta. And we used to call these the right hand side ads, if you remember searches, there was the SEO results on the left, and the ads on the right, and we call them the right hand side ads. Now somewhere about six, seven years ago, Google moved the ads up on the page and so they I guess they realized, hey, if we have the ads at the top, we're gonna get the clicks. Pay Per Click, we're gonna get the revenue if people Click on these first. And if we can get really good ad results, we're gonna make revenue. And then they introduced the maps. And they were getting a lot of traction on the maps as well. That is the first free SEO, we always focus very heavily on that. But then Google introduced what I would consider to be a real game changer. And this happened about 18 months ago for the law firms. And let's call this hot strategy number two, which is Google screen or the local service ads. Because what we see at the top of Google Now is a completely different result, right? We used to see the pay per clicks and the and the maps and the SEOs right now, there's these two boxes, and there's a click to call button. And the way this program works, if you get screened, if you get approved, you only pay for the leads, you pay for the calls that you're getting. So it's very powerful. There's three results on a typical page. And this is what the results look like in the back end of the local service ads. This client has gotten over 200 leads a month. And I would argue that over 30 to 40% of the clicks are going to the local service ads, you see here, you know, half of the page is taken up by the local services, ads, three results right at the top of the page, those are going to get the clicks for two reasons, right, number one, you know, they're taking up a lot of important geography on the page. Number two, there's this checkmark and it says Google screen, it says, you know, hey, these firms have been screened by us at Google and verified and authorized. The program that came before this service was available to lawyers was available to plumbers, air conditioning. And it was called Google verified, it still exists today, of course. So the consumer now has about four or five years of experience of seeing, you know, plumbers and air conditioners and locksmiths with a checkmark with a verified certification from Google. And now they're seeing this checkmark for lawyers, real estate agents, and financial planners in the program that they're calling Google screen. So the consumer is starting to trust the checkmark. And so it's very, very important. We believe that you when we find factually that you get your law firm screened or approved by Google, get your share the top 30 or 40% of the clicks that are going right at the top of the page. Now, here's all the eligible verticals, bankruptcy, business attorney, contract attorney, as I mentioned, real estate agents and financial planners, but PII, intellectual property, litigation, real estate, you know, basically, almost all of the legal categories now are available in the program. And you know, you can see in the program, when you do a search, like personal injury lawyer near me, I'm in Boca Raton, Florida. And if you click on more personal injury lawyers here, you can see everybody else who's screened. And you know, this might go, you know, this is a page break, this might go down, you know, 40, or 50 lawyers in the personal injury category. But you know, it's still a tremendous opportunity in some of the smaller categories, like intellectual property, or some of the litigation or some of the, you know, criminal and some of the smaller markets, there's only two or three or four people who've gone through the process to get screened and approved and put a budget against this program. So there's a tremendous opportunity for you to, you know, market yourself using this program. Because if you can be one of only three or four people approved, you're going to be showing up all the time in the searches. And as I mentioned, you only pay per lead, you don't pay for a click to your website. Now a lot of people are saying that, you know, we started a little bit late, we can't show up in the top three, or we were in the top three positions. And we've fallen out of the top three positions. So if you send us a note, give us your email in the quest question answers or in the chat, we'll send you our secret algorithm to get in the top three. And this is a PDF that shares exactly how you can get in the top three, but I'll run through it quickly for you here today. So this starts with the red phone. And there was an urban myth, or maybe it was was reality, that there was a red phone in the Reagan White House in the middle of the Cold War. And when the Kremlin called, you know, everybody immediately ran over and picked up the red phone. Now, when I did some research, there is actually like, a direct secure line between the Kremlin and the White House at that time. But you know, it was we were the consumer, we knew it as the red phone. But think of yourself as you know, as as a law firm as the White House in the middle of the Cold War, because there's no rules now that you have to answer that phone within 15 seconds. Because if you ever miss a call in the local service ads algorithm, Google is listening to the Costa Rican WARNING The calls, they give you those recordings, the artificial intelligence that listening to those calls to determine whether or not they're going to charge you for those leads, like if it's a lead, and if it's a person on the phone and not a robot call, they're going to charge you for that call. And you also have the ability to dispute the calls, if it's someone who's calling from outside of your practice area. But you've got to answer the phone within 15 seconds, because all these calls are being recorded now. And the algorithm is going to kick you out of the top three, if you're not answering the phone quickly, and servicing these these people, because, frankly, Google is going to send it to another law firm, it does answer the phone, you want to set your bidding mode to maximize leads, that seems to be the most effective right now. And you want to get one to two new reviews per week. Now Google is connected to your Google Maps, Google LSA is connected to your Google Maps algorithm. And so you want to develop a program where you can get at least one new review on your Google Maps every week, that will help you get in the top three of the Google Maps, and the top three of the local service ads. And we've developed a really creative program, where we'll go out and connect with your past customers with what we call our referral and review program. So if you want to learn about the inner circle, contact me after this meeting. Now you want to designate all your leads immediately. So you want to get in the back end of the program, and listen to the new calls. So Google has the recording here. If I click on this, I can listen to the call. And then I can designate it as completed or booked, which means this was a good call this was in our practice area, we're going to pay for this one, or you can archive it. And then you want to put very detailed notes in there. If you're archiving any of those calls, we want to select high proximity locations. So one of the strategies, people are going to as a multi location strategy. So you might add two or three new physical locations, new physical Google Maps locations, and you've got to, you know, have a staff location. And you've got to get reviews that location, so you can't fake it. But you want to add physical locations where you can have new LSAs and new Google Maps. So that's one of the new strategies. And then a final tip on the secret algorithm that we learned from Google is you can't just set your budget like, hey, I want a million dollars worth of these new leads. Because Google is going to do a silent ping on your credit card. And let's say you have four locations, and you said, you know, we want to give, we want $50,000 worth of leads every every week. And in four locations. Well, that's $200,000 a week. And unless you have an unlimited black card, Google is going to ping the credit card to see if your card will take $200,000 worth of leads. So just you know, a note there you want. And just generally, what we've learned is you want to be fairly realistic. So let's say you know, a location gets 10 leads, and they're $200, that's $2,000 worth of leads a week, you don't want to set it more than like four or $5,000. Because it's just not realistic for the algorithm. So you want to set it high enough that you tell Google, I'll take every one of these high quality leads that you give me. But you don't want to go overboard with that. So as I mentioned, just send us your email address. Or if you're watching this on YouTube after the fact, just go to 10 Golden or find me Jay Berkowitz on any of the social media, and just ping me and we'll send you the secret algorithm, you know, the full PDF of how to manage your local service ads. Next up, I want to talk about the hottest social media. And this is a quick case study of Julio Han Tae, who's a immigration attorney in California. And he's done phenomenally well with over 3 million followers on Tiktok. And what he's been very, very successful in just coming up with these videos. And you've seen them now with the bold headlines and the countdown 1234. And he's just explaining, you know, four ways you can get a green card or, you know, the four, the five ways you can get a student visa in the United States or how to apply for the green card lottery. And these videos have done extremely well. Just the quick hitting videos and the quick edits. And, you know, he's done so famously well with this Tiktok program. And of course, the associated videos also go on YouTube and Instagram and Facebook reels. He's done so well with this program that he was getting tons and tons of calls for things like the green card lottery. Now the lottery is free. So nobody's gonna hire an attorney until they take their chance in the lottery, especially because it's coming up this fall. So what he did is he created a course for how to apply for the green card lottery. He sells it for $49 and he sells 10 or 20 You're 30 Every single day. So what he's doing is he's not taking those calls in the firm, which are going to tie up his phones. And he's providing, you know, a low cost high value course, and making money while he sleeps as he explains it. So the hot strategy number three is tiktok, because tik tok has become the top website in the world, which is amazing, right? It's actually surpassed Facebook surpassed Google to have the most traffic over a billion users. And surprise to a lot of people. These users aren't just kids, right? 37% are over the age of 30 of tik tok user, so all of us are checking out tic TOCs. And, and using it and the monthly engagement is huge. 25.7 hours versus Facebook 16 and Instagram and WhatsApp 7879 Here's another guy's doing phenomenally well, with Tiktok and Instagram and Facebook videos. It's law by Mike lawyer, Mike Mandel, 6.7 million followers on Tiktok. And he has a lot of fun with, you know, don't don't wear this in court, what to do when cops take mug shots, what to say to the police when they pull you over, and what not to say. And he went from working in his family's firm to doing this professionally and sending leads to all kinds of other folks. So you know, having a lot of fun. Standing out in Tik Tok, providing a lot of value has exploded a number of firms. So a great strategy is fun, Tiktok videos with a lot of value, strategy number three, strategy number four, we call answering questions. And the reason for this is we over the last five or six years, we've changed the way we search. And Google has changed their algorithms semantically to answer questions. And of course, look at the whole section on chat GPT essentially, all it does is answer our questions. So we're we're refining our SEO strategies, and a lot of our content strategies to answer questions. Because like, for example, on Siri, you know, you essentially just vocally ask it a question, and it answers your questions. So, you know, here's a little quick exercise, write down two or three of the questions that you get asked most frequently by your customers, when you get calls in the call center, when people come in to see you, what are the questions you get asked most frequently.

Jay Berkowitz:

So, you know, quickly write a few of those questions down. And then what these become, are the videos that you can produce, the blogs, you can write for your website. And here's, you know, a direct benefit and direct SEO benefit of changing the way you do your SEO. And essentially, what we do is we answer questions, what do I do if I get hit by an Uber? This website has the best answer to that question. And these are people also asked what we call PA, where are there other questions? If I click the down button, I'm going to get the website that has the best answer to each of these very variant questions from the main question. So what we're trying to do is we're trying to write our websites, right, our SEO in the form of a question and provide an answer. So what we do is we do these videos, where we give our lawyers, our clients, eight to 10 questions that they're going to answer that are all very popular questions that people are asking in SEO, that people are asking Siri and Google and jet GPT. And so for example, Jeff McDonald answers the question, what happens if I get hit by an Uber or Lyft, and we search engine optimized questions on YouTube? Then we take the video, we add it to a blog. So now we've got a search engine optimized blog with a video. So it's like a powerful blog, because it's a video blog. Now it's even better than a word blog. And we're answering your question, then we can also use those videos in social media. And we can use it in Google Maps, which is very important part of SEO. And so what we're doing is we're search engine optimizing for questions. We're using Google owned YouTube, which is SEO, we're using a super powered blog, which includes video, and we're getting the advantage of being able to use those videos in social media and in Google Maps. And this is what we call cascading content. So like a river flows over a waterfall and creates little waterfalls and streams and tributaries. The original video is going to flow into the blog into social media and onto the Google Maps. We call this concept, cascading content. The next section I want to talk about Door law. And Joseph lesser was the founder of lesser and lesser. And he was Gary lessers. Grandfather and Gary's the chairman or president of the Florida Bar Association this year. And he told the story that his grandfather practice door law. And what that meant was everybody who walked through the door with the legal issue, he would be their lawyer. Now, of course, lawyers have gotten more and more specialized over the years. But the door lock factor remains important. And in one very important way. Now back in, in grandfather lessers, day, it was all about location, location, location. And if you've heard this old business and marketing phrase, it was because, you know, we all went downtown to do business. And if you had the location at the corner of Main Street and First Avenue, you are going to get the most traffic. And you're going to get the most people walking into your law firm, or your shoe repair, or your clothing store, right. But Location, location, location, 2023, I would argue is all about positioning your law firm to come up in the Google Maps, because this is the first free SEO placement on a Google search. Right. So this is the LSAs, we talked about the importance and the strategies for getting listed in the local service ads. This is the pay per click. And then this is the three Google Maps results that the industry calls the map pack, or the three pack of Google Maps SEO results. So the strategy number six is to optimize for Google Maps. And we can actually see how your firm is doing if you want to see these results again, you know, ping me either now or after this webinar, find me at 10 golden rules. And we can show you how you're performing in a Google Map Search. So if we just go back here, this is number one, this is number two, this is number three. So this firm is coming up number one, right at their specific location. But if you go 10 miles in any direction, they're not coming up at all in the search results. Same thing here for PERS injury lawyer. And so how do you improve your maps results? Well, the first thing is you need lots of reviews. Because typically, if we go back here and you look at the maps results, the guys with lots of reviews are going to come up higher in the search results. So for construction lawyer in Boca Raton, the guys with 40 and 22, are coming up higher than people with fewer reviews. Here's just some examples of folks who are doing well with reviews. So my friends, the kirsteen 230 reviews, another friend who works at Kogan and DiSalvo 356 reviews. And typically the folks with more reviews are going to come up higher in the Google Maps. Secondly, you want to get local links. So this is a link we worked with our client to get from the city of Carmel. And they're based in Carmel, Indiana. And there's a link to Stewart and Stewart attorneys. Thirdly, you want to improve what we call nap in the industry, which is name, address and phone. And what I mean by improves you want to have very very, very, impeccably precise name, address and phone. So like one of the challenges we have, our company is called 10 golden rules. And a lot of people are well meaning and they put a link to 10 golden rules, but they think it's spelled with the number 10 Like one zero. And we always named the company T and golden rules. In our Google Maps. It's T n golden rules. So if people put the number 10, one zero golden rules, that's incorrect nap. And it's a little bit of confusion for a computer, right? Google is essentially a computer, a computer program. So you want to have very precise name, address and phone and linking strategies throughout the internet. And there's different tools we use to go out and find out like this website is only 68% in their nap throughout the internet and lots of important local listings are not found linking to their website.

Jay Berkowitz:

The seventh strategy is a Google autofill and this one, you're gonna have to contact me I can't tell you how we do it. But this is like a secret weapon where if you search mesothelioma attorney, we're able to get our clients suggested by Google in Google Search suggest you know when you do this search in it, it fills this in down below for you. So our client, Dan's going Diletto comes up number one in the search suggest and if the consumer clicks on that, it's like they did a search for our client. Here's another one for our client law tigers. And if you search motorcycle lawyers, the number one suggestion is motorcycle lawyers law tigers, and of course it's like you search for law tigers. In the eighth section, I just want to cover a few different New technologies that are relevant for law firms. This first one is called proof. And it's super cool. It's basically the Uber of document serving. So if you need to serve documents in your, in your law firm, these folks will find a server for you. Using the software, you can upload the documents securely in the software, they can print out the documents and get a signature, get an E signature, and then they can send that back to you with confirmation. Super cool liquify as a cloud based, basically CRM and case management system backed by, you know, several major investors. And is a way to take depots and take all the depositions and put them in a very easy and accessible manner. In an application. One of the tough things about depositions is their huge files and their videos, and you can never get them to the opposing counsel. Now, it makes it super easy. And you can send over, you know, five or six, very strong depositions and probably win your case. If opposing counsel sees those depots. For the ninth strategy, we call it go mobile, because we orient all our clients, and when we work very closely on optimizing the mobile experience, because 60 to 70% of searches for law firms, particularly, you know, personal injury, single incident firms are done on a mobile phone. So here's the search for car accident attorney Nashville, Nashville. And what we see is it will get about 24% conversion rate, if we get a call if we get a call. So we want to make sure that if we're spending money, and you know, as I talked about the importance of these local services, when you get that phone call, about 24% are going to convert. Now, every website should have a chat box, because some people just are never going to call you or they can't call you when they do their search. Like for example, I was, I was in an office this morning, and the woman at the front desk was very clearly making a personal call right there at the front desk. But you know, generally, you shouldn't do that, right. So a lot of people when they're at work, they're not going to call a law firm, in particularly, if they're calling about, you know, a sensitive matter, they're just not going to do it with their co workers present. So what you want to take advantage of is you want to have the little chat box available on the website, we find that those convert about 9%. And then if you have the free case evaluation that the form fill on the websites, those convert about 5%. So in terms of website design, in terms of marketing strategies, we want as many of the searches to come up on the mobile phone, we want as many of the conversions on a website to come as a phone call. And second choice a chat and third choice a form fill. So here's how it looks, with these click calls right there on the mobile phone. And then in terms of website design, we want to call out the phone number make it super easy. And we want to focus on people calling right there on the website. And the 10th strategy that's working really, really well right now is exclusively Jen opportunities. So we work with a number of partners like, and some Spanish sites from Walker advertising. And this one's called L And we're able to get exclusive lead gen in your market through our our marketing partners. And these are converting at a very high rate. So to wrap up, I feel like this has been a long run. But the first one, chat GPT and artificial intelligence. Think of this two different ways. How is this going to change the search engine market, and you're probably going to start a campaign on Bing within the next three or four months, because a significant percentage of searches are going to move over to Bing, Bing is going to be a player now, in our overall marketing mix. The second thing is you want to start exploring with some of these new AI tools, like I talked about, like case text, and law Droid and Harvey, which are going to make the practice of law easier. And then even using just chat GPT for simple research and searches for legal research and also for daily life. Things like writing job description, and writing HR memos. The second thing is you want to get Google screened if you're not screened. And if you're not consistently in the top three positions on the LSA the local service ads, you want to just ping us and we'll get you a copy of our secret code to get in the top three. But you saw me cover it you know first of all answer the phone second disposition, those calls very quickly. Hot tip you want to get the app there's a app for LSAs and then you'll get those leads right there on your phone or you could have your lead intake person get those leads where right away. So if you miss any calls, you can call those folks right back. A lot of people hang up when they hear Google informs them that they're going to be recording the call. So a lot of leads the a lot of the missed calls, which you're not penalized for, but you still missed a lead. You can call those folks right back because you'll get the phone number four, the missed call on the app. Tik Tok is the third hottest strategy. And it's the number one website in the world. So you definitely want to take advantage of a tik tok strategy to take advantage of the number one website now in the world. We saw some tremendous case studies with Julio or honte. And Mike, lot by Mike answering questions. So our advanced SEO strategy that working like gangbusters for our clients, is positioning our SEO to answer questions. Because when we search, we ask questions. So if you have the best answer to a question you're going to come up in the people also asked section which is the first SEO result. And by the way, when your SEO is working, your Google Maps SEO is working. And I would argue that the LSA algorithm is also connected. So things like answering the phone doing the right things, posting content, posting content, Google Maps, you're gonna, you know, a rising tide floats all boats, Google's algorithms are connected, when your LSAS are done right? When your maps are done, right. And when your SEO is done, right? Everything's going to work better. Cascading content is our strategy where we take the question and answer videos, we search engine optimizing by putting the title and description on YouTube. And then we add them to the blog, and the website and social media, you want to optimize Google Maps, things like reviews and naps and local link, search autofill. A new technology we're using to search suggests some of the new tech, we looked at things like and, focusing our efforts on mobile, very powerful to focus your efforts on mobile. And finally, we have some exclusive lead gen partners be happy to introduce you to so without further ado, don't forget, you know, just ping us if you want to get a copy of the secret algorithm, or make sure you get a recording of this presentation, we'd be happy to do a digital marketing audit. So if you don't feel like your agency, or your internal folks are on top of these cutting edge things, if they didn't get you on the Google screen program and things like that, we'd be happy to do a half an hour digital marketing audit, the first one is free, and we'd be happy to look at your market. So just reach out to me Jay at 10, Golden, or go to 10 golden rules, and just do a quick chat or contact us there. Also, I love you for speaking opportunities. If you think this presentation, or one of our other presentations would be valuable at your local bar association, or the Trial Lawyers Association. Those are great opportunities for me, I love to do this, hopefully that shows. And I really appreciate if you'd recommend me for any speaking opportunities. And without further ado, I'd love to answer some of your questions. So first question from Erica, I shoot videos for YouTube horizontally. Should I separate? Should I shoot separate videos? Vertical videos for tik tok? So that's a great question. And our answer is we just both at the same time. And essentially the way we do that is we asked the videographer to set a wide and high setting, you know, move the camera back a little bit and make sure we got a lot of top and a lot of sides. So we can put graphics in and then we can edit the video to be a vertical video, you know, a rectangular, a tall rectangle or a wide rectangle for you know, the traditional Facebook format. Question from Matt, can I use AI images and videos and social media without being copyrighted? Yeah, so those images from Dolly are unique images. And they are rights free. And I've started using them in social media. So that's a great idea and a great strategy. Question from Cindy.

Jay Berkowitz:

Can I use chat GPT for social media copy? And I think the answer is yes, you know, you want to be a little cautious with with Google, you want to definitely have a human editor, rewrite that copy. Or there's a tool called quill bot where you can rewrite the copy. But for social media, it's probably a great tool. And we've started using it so you know we might do a video and then upload the copy of the video and say, you know rate for social media posts, to Facebook, to Twitter, to Instagram posts to accompany this video on social media in chat GPT and then, you know, of course, human editor human set of eyes just to make sure that it all makes sense when it comes out. Brad asks, Can I use chat GPT to include specific keywords and blogs that they write the first draft. Absolutely. So, what I mentioned earlier about, including precise prompts. So, you know, like one of the prompts, the prompt that I showed, when I wrote the job description was include a bulleted list about the requirements for the job and include a bulleted list about the types of things the person would be doing on the job. I mean, you can write very specific prompts, like you can say, you know, hey, I'm gonna upload some information, don't do anything, until you get my next prompt, you can say, I did this yesterday, write a description of the three most recent Supreme Court rulings in Dr. Seuss format. You can get Dali graphics in Monet style, or in French impressionist style or in pixelated, modern art style. So using prompts can really specify and make your results really fantastic. And really, really usable. Thanks, Lee. Is chat GPT able to handle confidential and sensitive legal information? Do you think there will be a fee to use chat GPT eventually. So one caution definitely is not to post confidential, sensitive legal and obviously, HIPAA violation, like any any medical stuff, chat. GPT is an open platform. And they do learn from everything we put in there. And there, there will be confidential capability coming. They've promised it from open AI. So you definitely want to be cautious with any confidential information, you want to just ask general questions about your case area, not specifics. And there is already a fee to use chat GPT. So there's a 20 to $20 monthly subscription. And if you've been using chat GPT, it used to timeout all the time, before I had the subscription. So for $20 a month, you get basically unlimited searches, I've never seen it timeout, and also the new chat GPT 4.0 is only available to people with the subscription. So I have the new version 4.0 with the $20 a month subscription. So I'm going to wrap up for today, but I'd be happy to answer any questions, be happy to send you all the secret algorithm so just contact us at 10 Golden That's T n golden Are you l e Happy to do a digital marketing audit for you. So you can reach out to us at the same place or contact me Jay Berkowitz on all the major social media and appreciate any speaking opportunities. So thank you so much for being here. And do me a favor and put a couple of these things to work right away. And let me know how it turned out. Have a great rest of your day and let us know how you can make this stuff work for you.

IMFLF Intro:

Thank you for listening to the 10 Golden Rules of internet marketing for law firms podcast. Please send questions and comments to podcast at 10 Golden That is podcast at t e n Golden