Improvements to Panama
The Yahoo Blog last night announced improvements to Panama. Most of the changes are nothing to special such as the ability to copy and move keywords. There is also an improved Keyword selector tool that can be found on the Ad Group Page with a “+Add Keywords” button.
The biggest change to Panama was in the guidance of writing ads. It is now possible to view current ads of other advertisers using the same keyword or keywords. I have included a screenshot of the guide. This is a nice improvement but in this example the complete ad isn’t shown completely so it is not as helpful as it could be. I, like many of you reading this blog I am sure, are looking at dual monitors. It is just as easy and more effective for me to just open up two windows one for editing ads and one for showing the ads that our competitors are currently running. Additionally, I had to go through about seven or eight keywords before there was one that had the ads showing.
In my opinion these upgrades do improve Panama but there are certain tools that are missing to make Panama in line with Adwords, the most obvious is an app like Editor.