This week Google announced a major change to their search algorithm. According to the official Google blog, this change impacts 11.8% of the organic results. How does the change impact your SEO strategies? Well, for starters,...
After a newly released update from Facebook, we must all now say farewell to the share button as we know it. The former Like button used to simply have a link appear in your recent activity whereas now, selecting the Like...
Today’s increasingly complex, distributed and digitally driven marketing ecosystem is challenging marketers to better integrate and manage data, best of breed solutions, creative resources, brand assets and go-to-market...
Yesterday, WordPress 3.1 was rolled out after a several month delay. Referred to by the alias “Reinhardt” (in honor of the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt), the update appears to be jam-packed with lots of helpful...
Join Jay Berkowitz, CEO of, as we step into his website analysis laboratory in our exclusive Wednesday Webinar, “Website Lab.” This webinar invites attendees to submit your websites for review by Jay...