This week I thought it would be helpful to go back to the basics of Twitter ReTweeting. Want to get your tweets retweeted more often? Below are ten tips for just that: 1. Interesting/Entertaining. Tweets with a bit of humor...
Ever wonder what’s the one common factor among entrepreneurs who create and grow successful online businesses today? Join Jim Kukral in, “Attention! This Book Will Make You Money,” as he answers this question and...
Use CPM (cost per impression) to test your Facebook ads instead of CPC (cost per click). When testing your ads using CPC it diverts the focus from testing the actual ads to testing the landing page or pages. There will be...
@pauljchambers – arrested after tweeting a “joke” airport bomb threat. Elliot Madison – Arrested for using Twitter to let G20 protesters know where police where moving in Pittsburgh Daniel Hadyn...
Based in San Francisco, The Topsy Search Engine (Beta) is described to be “A Search Engine Powered by Tweets”. The Topsy team further explains Topsy as a new kind of search engine, with a new way of looking at the...