Last Thursday Facebook announced they’re moving away from FBML and towards a more dynamic platform in the form of iFrames for both canvas applications as well as Facebook page tabs. Also, soon Facebook will not allow the...
Have you seen the latest JVC ad, “Like it to Win it”? Did you know this generated over 35,000 fans in just 30 days? The promotion requires Facebook users to “Like” the JVC page. Every day the company gives away a...
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of developing your website so that it performs well in searches on Google and the other search engines. In this SEO guide, the ABC’s are three basic strategies to...
The “Freemium Business Model” was first coined in 2006, and has continued to develop with the evolution of Web 2.0. We are starting to see more instances of it now more than ever before due to a simple fact: businesses...
Google is treating paid search more and more like natural search. More specifically, they are giving preference to “quality” pages that provide a positive user experience. Of course, “quality”, as...