Search engine marketing isn’t just about optimizing the text, getting links to your site and running a pay per click campaign. Universal search is in full swing and video search is a powerful medium in which to reach...
A fantastic Day 1 at Pubcon 2007 – WebmasterWorld in Las Vegas was wraped up with an amazing panel Moderated by Silicon Entrepreneuer Guy Kawasaki from Truemors, Matt Cutts from Google, Tim Mayer from Yahoo!, Rahul...
Any video that includes the lyrics “won’t you blog about this song” is trying to hard for linkbait, but in this case it worked, but only because it changes the lyrics to “We Didn’t Start the...
Amanda Mooney, Amanda Gravel and the team at Schneider PR and the Launch PR blog have developed a great list of the top new product launches from 2007. So far the top picks include iPhone, Twitter, Windows Vista,...