We featured the SoCalled You Tube Video ‘You Are Never Alone’ on our Ten Golden Rules of Internet Marketing podcast just 1 week ago and there were 500,000 views, just one week later and SoCalled is a phenomenon...
Interestingly, the folks over at Intel are pioneering “eMail-Free Friday”. Which, as it sounds, suggests we spend a workday NOT communicating via eMail. Instead, they recommend talking on the phone, in person or...
Just when I thought it was safe to focus my Micro Blogging efforts on Twitter…Google entered into the Micro Blogging Fray with the purchase of Jaiku. This message was posted on the Jaiku site and those of us with a...
We created this short video for Annie’s Costumes on a shoe string budget. The video originally was intended for pick up in the search engines, and it does come up in Google video searches for ‘top halloween...