Google recently announced their free tool, Campaign Optimizer. Supposedly in just minutes the tool will automatically analyze your budget, keywords, landing pages and create a customized proposal for your campaign. Then...
I recently came upon this is a website you can use to make a donation to a business person in an emerging nation. You can give $200 (or more) to an aspiring entrepreneur who will pay the loan back when he/she makes...
Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Ten Golden Rules has started a podcast. The 10 Golden Rules Internet Marketing Podcast is up to its 3rd broadcast now, and is really evolving. But, I’m not going to just ask...
Being new to this arena, I’ve had to learn quickly about the newest ideas relating to the Internet. With a background in public relations, I was intrigued to hear about a new form of press release being put out. With the...
Microsoft recently saw a 36% increase in search query volume, due largely from their new initiative Live Search Club, a program launched in late May that’s designed to engage and reward the users of Live Search. That...