A conversion rate is the percentage of users who visit a website and, ultimately, buy something or take an action such as filling out a form for more information or downloading an ebook. Finding out your conversion rate is an...
One of the main ways we build our clients businesses is through Facebook messenger. With the average person checking their Facebook (including their messages) an average of 14 times a day, companies need to understand the...
Jay will be presenting at the M&L Legal Marketing Conference in Asheville NC on June 29th 2017. This will be the 4th time Jay has presented to the group. His presentation the year will be focused on “Marketing to...
Jay will be presenting at the Affiliate Summit event at the Marriott Marquis in New York on July 30th 2017. He will be presenting “The 7 Deadly Sins of Digital Marketing”. For more information, see the list of...
— LOCAL CANDIDATES ONLY PLEASE – We are looking for an analyst with extensive experience in digital marketing i.e. Google, Facebook, Analytics, eMail programs etc. – Google certification preferred – PPC...