Last week I explained how Google announced an upgrade to Google AdWords Editor that is effective as of June 12, 2012. Well, guess what? There was yet another announcement regarding our Google AdWords accounts that you will...
You may be familiar with Klout. Klout assigns a score to each user based on their social media presence, ranging from 0 to 100, to try to measure how influential they are. But is any of Klout’s information valid or...
If you’re considering a career change, you are going to need as much help as you can to land that dream job. A leap in fields, while not uncommon and certainly not impossible, requires some extra effort and major...
Are you an AdWords Editor user? For those of you who are, here’s some important information. You must upgrade to version 9.7.1 by June 12, 2012, or all of the changes you make will no longer take effect in your AdWords...
Google wants to know what you mean. Did you search “tigers?” What kind of tigers? The Detroit Tigers? Bengal tigers? It’s a part of the new Google semantic search engine that they’ve just released....