Presents Live Facebook Page Analysis: Optimizing Your Facebook Page for Engagement
Join Margie Schneider, VP Operations and Stuart Smith, Strategic Director, of Interactive Marketing Consultancy Firm, as they present, “Live Facebook Page Analysis: Optimizing Your Facebook Page for Engagement.” This Wednesday Webinar provides the opportunity to submit your Facebook Page for a live analysis.
This presentation will explain the following topics:
• How to develop an effective Facebook content strategy to promote engagement
• Best practices for developing custom iFrames for Facebook
• Tips to efficiently utilize Facebook navigation links
• Understanding the various ways to implement a Facebook Page image
Want us to review how your Facebook Page measures up? Submit your Page for a Live Analysis! To submit your Facebook Page, please join the Facebook Page Analysis Webinar Group, and post your Facebook Page submission within the group. Visit the group here:
Margie Schneider has been involved with the interactive medium since 1994. She has participated in everything the Internet has to offer: developing, designing and delivering websites; online advertising and promotion; search engine marketing: SEO and PPC and community and electronic communication. Her specialties include: social media, search engine optimization SEO, PPC management, online reputation management, project management, personnel management, strategizing web development and design solutions; as well as experience marketing across all media types.
Stuart Smith has been involved with online marketing since 1998. He has participated in everything online marketing has to offer including: SEO, PPC, email marketing, social media, web design, and landing page design. His specialties include Facebook, social media, PPC management, search engine optimization (SEO), and new emerging technologies.
This free webinar will take place Wednesday, June 29, 2011 12:30pmEDT – 1:30pmEDT. To register and for more information please visit: Live Facebook Page Analysis: Optimizing Your Facebook Page for Engagement
Image credit: smemon