Irony in My Social Media?
I use Social Media….well, who doesn’t? And for me, that means logging into Facebook now and then to peruse my news feed for the latest. Facebook is actually how I keep in touch with the “real” news – so, I don’t mean just my friends latest status or industry updates. Because I’m a fan of Pages like Mashable, NPR, The Daily Show (yes, I said it) and other “newsy” type sites, I find it’s a very convenient way to stay in touch with what is going on in the world.
The other day as I was scrolling through my newsfeed, I happened upon something I found amusingly ironic. Well, it was amusing to me, anyway. If you look closely at the image (which is a screenshot from my iPhone viewing of my newsfeed) you’ll see a news story from NPR explaining how the West is making the world sick by promoting a diet full of unhealthy food – and then right below that – a post from Dunkin Donuts about their latest food offering. This latest food offering happens to be a BIG breakfast sandwich featuring two slabs of texas toast, two fried eggs, four strips of bacon and a big ole slice of cheese to top it off.
I had to chuckle. Oh, the irony. 🙂