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Mobile Marketing: Hot Internet Marketing Trend for 2008


To stay on top of your game, you need to stay on top of the hot trends in internet marketing, because this medium moves at nothing less than light speed. With new mobile technologies and new ways of reaching the consumer through cellular phones, mobile marketing is going to be a hot internet marketing trend in 2008.

With the advent of the Apple iPhone, mobile marketing is becoming that much easier. Touch screens, user friendly interfaces, mobile widgets, new email solutions and better web experiences are making mobile search easier to use. As the mobile internet becomes more user friendly, consumers are going to use it more, which means big opportunities for internet marketers.

Just check out some of the factors that are going to make mobile marketing explode in 2008:

  • Early 2008 Apple will open its iPhone deck to third party developers launching an explosion of innovative mobile solutions.
  • With iTunes pushing video to iPods and iPhones, mobile video is becoming more accessible to consumers.
  • WiMax…that’s right, high speed isn’t just going to be available to phone and cable companies. This new form of broadband technology will be creating hot spots that will span over hundreds of square miles.