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New To Social Media? 3 Sites To Get You Started


As someone who seeks out the most up to date trends and news on social media, I tend to feel a bit overwhelmed at the new sites that come up. I’m used to the sites that I use on a regular basis. If you’re just getting started on using social media, here are some sites to start with. I’m sure you will find them useful and enjoyable.

Facebook – It’s definitely a step up to MySpace, another popular social networking site. With Facebook you can connect with people you know already, and even people you may have lost touch with. Personally, I find it useful in keeping touch with friends who live all over the place, and without Facebook, I probably wouldn’t be able to connect with people I lost touch with. If you’re concerned about privacy, there are many ways to hide and limit people from seeing information you don’t want them to see.

Twitter – This site has gotten increasingly popular over the course of the year, mainly because more celebrities and news media outlets have been using it. I’ve found twitter to be useful in getting breaking news before the news outlets even get it, interesting information I wouldn’t know about if I wasn’t following certain Twitter users, keeping in touch with friends, and even meeting new ones. If you’re new to Twitter, read The Beginner’s Guide to Using Twitter for 10 steps on how to effectively use it.

LinkedIn – This site can be compared to your online resume, with a feature to network with other LinkedIn members online. At this website, you’re required to be more professional, but it could help you if you’re looking for a job or trying to find business connections.

The best thing about these sites are that they are all free, and you really can’t lose with them, except spending lots of time on them!