Join your host Jay Berkowitz, CEO of and an all-star internet marketing panel including web semantics expert Richard Stanton, CEO of, Facebook Goddess Mari Smith, Rohit Bhargava, author of, “Personality Not Included” discusses Mystery, web coach Jim Kukral discusses mobile web, David McInnis, founder of PR Web and People Pond explains personal SEO , Maria Harrison breaks down web video marketing and search marketer Joe Laratro discusses social media monitoring. Call in line 206-888-6606
Podcast Episode 39 Video Podcast Featuring the Thought Leaders Webinar Recorded April 30th, 2009. Join your host Jay Berkowitz, CEO of and an all-star internet marketing panel including web semantics expert Richard Stanton, CEO of, Facebook Goddess Mari Smith, Rohit Bhargava, author of, “Personality Not Included” discusses Mystery, web coach Jim Kukral discusses mobile web, David McInnis, founder of PR Web and People Pond explains personal SEO , Maria Harrison breaks down web video marketing and search marketer Joe Laratro discusses social media monitoring.
Special Thanks to Sponsors and the University of San Francisco’s new Internet Marketing Course.
Call in line 206-888-6606
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