Recently a few of us at Ten Golden Rules attended a media breakfast and one of the panel speakers was Alex de Carvalho. Alex is the community guy at scrapblog.
The community guy takes care of social media management and uses all the online social tools to connect and promote the brand online. With the large amount of social websites and tools now available, managing these tools effectively is definitely a daunting task and his position intrigued me.
I asked Alex, “How do you get to be the community guy?” He told me the community guy is the online voice of the brand and most importantly needs to know when to speak and when not to speak in front of virtual everyone on the web. I know he’s savvy on the scrapblog brand, and if you wanted to hire a community guy Alex definitely recommends not using a noobie for the position. This person will be spotting any good or bad publicity and making the right decisions to engage these communities who ultimately he wants as fans and users of scrapblog.
So what is this really about? I just want to get you to think about harnessing the power of social online media for your own business. Do you have someone now who is familiar with online social tools and who can start taking advantage of the web in this way for your brand?
To close I just want to mention scrapblog.com rocks. You can host your own custom scrapblog online and share it with friends and family.