Submitting Content to Article Syndication Sites
Article syndication is a great link building method that you can use to drive traffic as well as get free permanent links from other sites. Someone that reads your article from another site and finds it interesting will most likely visit your site along with a potential conversion. Submitting your article to these article syndication sites also allow websites looking for content to be able to post these articles on their sites, which in turn give you traffic as well.
There are some things to keep in mind before submitting your articles to these sites. You should always read their guidelines very carefully. The best article submission sites have very thorough guidelines, which usually mean that they are serious about the content that they put up on their site. The content in your article should also be of quality and originality. With guidelines in mind before submitting your article, you should also make sure that anyone who decides to place your article on their site keeps everything in tact, such as your links and content. There is no use in submitting your article to a site that doesn’t protect other publishers from altering your content. Another thing to keep in mind is how much traffic goes to the site. Using SEO Quake, which is a plugin for Firefox and Internet Explorer, you can view Google Pagerank, Alexa Rank, age of the website, and how many pages are indexed in Google and Yahoo. These indicators give a good indication of the site’s popularity. Also, check if there are any costs related to submitting content. Most article syndication websites allow you to submit your articles for free.
Article syndication sites that have all of the above attributes are EzineArticles, Article City, Article Dashboard, Article Biz and Easy Articles.