Time Management Tips for Bloggers
With blogging becoming a full time or part time job for people these days, it’s definitely a challenge to keep on top of updating your blog with all the other things to do in our everyday lives. We all feel like there isn’t enough time in the day sometimes, so it’s important to make good use of the time we have.
Creating Goals
So you decided to put up your own blog and you find yourself finding ways to build more traffic and a larger readership. A small goal such as getting more RSS subscriptions to your blog will make you think of ways on how you can achieve that goal. Even a small goal will motivate you to improve your blog little by little.
Planning Ahead
A great way to keeping fresh content going on your blog is to plan ahead. Create a list of topics and ideas that you know you can write about. You can also create a schedule of when you will post to your blog. Fresh content is important, but from my past experience, it’s better to have quality posts spread throughout the week, rather than multiple short posts a day.
Having Deadlines
Making deadlines to when a post should go up on your blog is another way to keep your blog flowing with content. Bloggers that run a blog alone tend to be lazy at times with putting up content, which can become a habit, resulting in an abandoned blog. An example would be posting a blog post by 4pm, which will motivate you to get it finished. You’ll feel better about yourself that you got the job done.